Projekat Evropske unije „CLIMED-FRUIT“ (Prilagođavanje i ublažavanje uticaja klimatskih promena na višegodišnje zasade voća u oblasti Mediterana) ima za cilj prikupljanje i razmenu informacija o rešenjima razvijenim širom Evrope u cilju prilagođavanja poljoprivredne prakse u proizvodnji najvažnijih višegodišnjih kultura u oblasti Mediterana (grožđe, masline, citrusi, avokado, koštičavo i orašasto voće) klimatskim promenama.
Bilten No 1: Kako se proizvođači voća I grožđa mogu nositi sa klimatskim promenama? >PREUZIMANJE BILTENA<
Project number: 101060474
Project name: CLIMED-FRUIT: Adaptation to climate change and mitigation for perennial crops in Mediterranean Area
Project acronym: CLIMED-FRUIT
Framework programme: HORIZON EUROPE
Project starting date: 1 October 2022
Project end date: 30 September 2025
More informations:
CLIMED-FRUIT aims to share knowledge ready for practice, collected from different Operational Groups (OG) across Europe, for a better climate change adaptation and mitigation in perennial crops in the Mediterranean area.
Overall objectives
Scaling local solutions dealing with climate change up to an EU level
Widening knowledge on ready-to-use practices to adapt to climate change
Improving understanding of climate change risks and solutions available to mitigate them
Helping Europe to become climate-neutral by 2050
As the Mediterranean region is the European area with the strongest impact of climate change on agriculture, farmers have no choice but to adapt or modify their practices. The EU-funded CLIMED-FRUIT project aims to share this new expertise across Europe. Best practices are collected and shared, ranging from:
(i) Soil conservation and carbon storage,
(ii) Improving the resilience of crops facing climatic hazards (frost, hail),
(iii) Innovative practices for adapting water stress management,
(iv) Adaptation of food chain processes to climate change and diversification, and
(v) Preserving biodiversity for better resilience to climate change issues and pests.
Project Partners
9 partners are involved in the Climed-Fruit project, spreaded all around the Mediterranean:
IFV (French wine and Vine Institute), France
CIHEAM-IAMB (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari), Italy
SEASN (South-eastern Europe Advisory Service Network), Croatia
IPN (Institute for Science Application in Agriculture), Serbia
AVA-ASAJA (Valencian Farmers Association), Spain
UNE (Spanish Association for Standardization), Spain
HMU (Hellenic Mediterranean University), Greece
APPITAD (Association of Producers in Integrated Protection of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro), Portugal